Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

you want pasive income

Cushioninv initially similar to Uinvest where Cushioniv also sell shares of the company - a company that had previously been on a strict selection and safe for investors. Before discussing the work system, deposits and other ways we should know in advance who and what was Cushioninv.

Cushioninv is one of the leading provider of investment management, financial management continues to evolve and provide new insights in the investment industry to include real and viable business and provide opportunities for investors to earn a good income.

Service Cushioninv gradually evolved into a powerful entity and a reliable business which culminated in the launch of this webset to meet the investment needs of investors from around the world. By utilizing the energy, talent and experience of its staff, cushioninv has managed to give something extraordinary for his clients. Cushioniv have done this with absolute commitment and a strong culture and ethos of high.

All investments in the liver - the liver was chosen to ensure optimal results for investors Cushioninv. Investment fell into shares affordable, ranging from slightly a few dollars. All investments are assessed directly by our investors love their view of how the investment. Formally registered companies Cushioninv Seychellesm Cushioninv office has many branches, and all work in a team, some of which Hong Kong, New York, Port Moresby, Vienna and followed Autralia in late 2013.

Examples of some of the shares offered by the company Cushioninv include:
Stock-Price Perlembar $ 4
Its frequency-Profit Payment Daily
-Duration 35 days
-Total 193.5% ROI
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With the example you want to buy shares of Chocolate (see company list above)

The investments Details Chocolate
Duration of investment: 35 Days
Daily Profit per Share: $ 0100
Return on Expiration: $ 4,280 per share
Profit and capital back in 35 days: $ 7.74
Payment frequency: Daily

Your budget such as $ 200
Your Daily Profit
Daily Daily Profit = Profit per share ($ 0100) x Total share (your $ 200 Budget / Cost of share: $ 4)
Daily Profit = $ 0100 x 50 Share
Daily Profit = $ 5

Total Profit daily for 35 days
Daily Profit x Length of investment
$ 5 x 35 = $ 175

Refunds after 35 days (not profit)
50 Share x $ 4240 (Return on Expiration)
$ 212

So your total is the result INVESTMENT
Total Profit daily for 35 days + 35 days Refunds
$ 175 (Every day $ 5) + $ 212 (When the contract runs out) = $ 387


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