Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

Human Mysteries revealed Hobbit

Ever heard of the word hobbit? Hobbit is one of the human race in the days of the earth mid or mid-earth based on the novel Lord Of The Ring. Apparently these kinds of people exist in the world and more great again found in our country, Indonesia precisely in flores with the scientific name Homo floresiensis. This species was discovered in 2004. But after 3 years was found, then performed various studies related to genetics and so forth, there are interesting facts about the human hobbit was.

At first, the scientists speculate when first found that the conditions that cause people to become small and like hobbits on a remote island in Indonesia 18,000 years ago is that the hobbit is a new species or a diseased human. Size hobbit fossils were found is about a meter in size of the brain of the baby’s head, but based on research, keintelektualannya normal human being. Human hobbit also has anomalies in the hand and wrist, skull asymmetry, small chin, abnormal teeth, and abnormal shoulders.

This situation is perfectly suited to modern humans with a defect genetikal or some kind of genetic mutation. But scientists are still debating whether the hobbit was a new species or a modern human with a genetic disease that causes small brain size called microcephaly. Keep in mind that the study of this type of disease microcephaly restrict development of the body both brain and body.

By Richard Potts, one of the scientists Smithsonian Institute Washington DC, said

“New study’s link between genetics and human growth is” neat “but disagreed with the suggestion that Homo floresiensis represents a modern human with a genetic disorder. Proof that the hobbit is indeed a unique species, is found in recent detailed studies of its wrist and upper arm bone “.. which means evidence of the uniqueness of the species found in the wrist and upper arm bone that is unique and not abnormal modern human.

It then becomes more research and reinforces the fact that there had been hobbit-sized humans in the era of modern humans, not modern humans who have genetic diseases. This discovery will be very influential to many other studies of science, including the idea that there are species other than modern humans.

These are the findings of the most spectacular and extreme ever preached!!!! How could I not? This species has inhabited the island of Komodo in a time when modern humans (homo sapiens) have also been found in Indonesia (95000-13000 years ago).
Besides the skeleton, scientists also found stone tools such as knives, punching tools, cutting tools for hunting stegedon (ancient elephant).
The number of species that are not interconnected in the chain of evolution raises a question mark, how many types of human-like creatures that live in the Age of Prehistoric Indonesia … and why they went extinct without leaving descendants.

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