Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

beware of fraud through fictitious site - News - Bubblews

beware of fraud through fictitious site - News - Bubblews

Perhaps you've heard or experienced yourself from Internet fraud began not sent goods orders, but we have made the payment and personal data theft by hackers. All it actually does require caution us and our precision to avoid scams on the internet.
Aspect of trust is the main thing that must be established between the seller and the buyer, make sure that you actually get the data of the seller or the buyer before making an online transaction, why do I involve the buyer? because not only the seller who is potentially fraudulent but the buyer could have done the same thing. (Remember folks!, cheating is a despicable thing and if you get lucky, but keep in mind this "meager profit but the sin is extraordinary, repent before late ").

How a hacker can steal personal data especially data related credit card data or bank?
In the virtual world, such as data theft is better known as Phishing techniques. This technique to steal data that we type in a fictitious site is designed so that is very similar to the original site. The data stolen, typically continue

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