Jumat, 12 April 2013

earn money with All Voices

On allvoices, news is:

  1. Reported by contributors like you and me
  2. Posted automatically by allvoices from news RSS feeds
News reported by contributors like you and me: A person can report news on allvoices from their cell phone with SMS or via the Web site, by clicking on "Report Your News". A news event can be started with a title, summary, location and category. A person can report news by uploading an image or video or just as simply as writing an article on allvoices (but having a title and a summary too).
News automatically posted by allvoices: allvoices uses news reported by newspapers and wire services as the starting point

Contributions or adding a voice to existing news events, to start a discussion

On allvoices.com, everyone is encouraged to participate and users can add their voices and perspectives on existing news events too. A contribution can be an article, a blog post, comment, video, image or Q & A regarding a particular news event. They can also help us rate the news event within the community.
allvoices is an open and unmediated site. Every voice (contribution) is automatically checked for spam and relevance to the news event. A contribution is posted as is as long as it is relevant to the news event. The relevance is checked by our algorithms and technology - not humans.
The whole idea behind adding a voice to an existing news event is to get the discussion going. It can be as simple as sharing an emotion or a comment.
The users can also share a news event with their friends and other social media sites from the news event page, to invite others to join the discussion!
Founded in April of 2007, allvoices was started by passionate people who believe that everyone has a story worth telling, sharing that story can be the first step in changing lives. allvoices redefines the voice of people through the global community for sharing current news events and issues from multiple points of view, providing an emotional connection to each other’s perspectives.
At its core, allvoices is about democracy. About giving power to people. About their voices having the effect that makes a difference.

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