Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Key onpage SEO OPTIMIZATION TO BLOG - News - Bubblews


Do you have a blog that lonely for mercy? Blogwalking tired but visitors just that much alone. Are you confused as to why there is no contribution from the Search Engines like Google? The question many experienced them for the first time tries to blogging. So let's try to see how "pretty" your blog in the eyes of Google.

For starters let's learn SEO Onpage optimization. onpage SEO optimization are things that we do directly on our website and look directly by visitors (graphical display) or by the search engine robots (page html code). It is very important for our blog ranking. So we just discuss the things we need to do to optimize our blog.

# 1 SEO Onpage optimization with Keyword Research
SEO Onpage optimization is closely related to the keyword. Them know what keyword? The keywords that you type in the Google search box. So if you wish there were visitors from Google, .... then start thinking about what will be typed if people want to find your blog? continue

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